Tips To Help You Cope With Young Children While Working From Home

Are you trying to run your own business from home around one or more children? Or is this something you want to do and are looking into?
Well hopefully I can be of some help as I'm a mum and just about managing to cope with a toddler and a newborn while working from home!! I'll give you a few tips I've thought of!
So as you'd expect it's not easy, so just let that make you feel a bit better! Even if some mums look like they're perfect in every way, I'm very sure they're not!

when you play with your children you need to give them your full attention, they do notice if you're casually looking at your phone. So it's best to be in the moment with them and cherish that playtime as you won't get it back!

On a weekly planner  write down times when you can spend some time on your business, for example listening to training in the car, while babies are sleeping, on your lunchbreak (if working) etc. OK your results might not come so quickly if you don't spend hours and hours a week on your business but they'll still come. It's called the compound effect, success is built on doing little things consistently.
