Having a home based business has the potential to be a
wonderful opportunity if you possess or learn the following attributes. It is
best if you analyze yourself and face up to your individual circumstances and
what your unique situation may be. You have the highest potential to succeed if
you possess or learn the following attributes.
You have to be bold enough to let your
client's know you will be working from your home. Most often because of the
nature of your business they infer or know. If not, they need to know up front.
Before they hire you, they can voice concerns and you can discuss them or
better yet, they may have the kind of personality that does not mind working
around the situations that may present themselves with your situation. This may
be the very case, the more unique your skills and the more demand for your

You need to have the personality that
can focus and stay on the task for your work, even if things are not perfect in
the kitchen or the rest of your home. You need to commit to putting in the
hours that it takes to make your home-based business work and work other tasks
in after business hours. If you are easily distracted, this has the potential
to cause problems and interfere with your success.
You have to know when to go to Plan B. If
you thought you could work with the children in your home and that is not
working, the sooner you acknowledge it and do something about it, the better it
will be for your business. You may need to have the children in child care for
4 hours a day, if that is what it takes to make things work.
You have to set business hours that
fit for you and stay with that commitment. If things easily "get in the
way" you will end up not making a successful go of it. The working hours
you have set need to be seriously "written in concrete" to allow your
business to survive. Sure, there will be happenings with the children that
require your time, but if it occurs frequently, things will not work out
successfully for a home-based business.
You have to use your time wisely. Most
likely, the motivating force behind your decision to have a home-based business
is to have more time with your children and family. When you are working during
the business hours you have set, it is important you make the time work for
you. Analyze your demands and work as efficiently as possible. Learn to do
things more efficiently as you see what works and doesn't work with your home -
based business. Utilize all the resources around you and involve older children
in those tasks that meet their maturity level. All will work for good.
You have to stick to your goals. In
the beginning, you will certainly have frustrations until you work out all the
wrinkles. Remember the reason you wanted a home - based business, the clients
that made it possible, and all the other goals you're working on that have
brought you to this point.
This is a great opportunity! If you keep working
at it and possess a positive attitude and tweak those things you need to make
it all work out, your efforts will be crowned with success!
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