Why Network Marketing May Be the Right Platform for You

If you have parents or grandparents that you hope to inherit millions of dollars from, you are free to disregard this article. But if you're a person of low background, then you should pay close attention to this article and give it the urgent consideration that it demands. Who knows, it just might be the recipe that you need to change your story forever.
If you do not have residual income or do not engage in activities that can enable you develop residual income now, the hard truth is that, you are planning to live in abject poverty at your old age. It doesn't matter whether you have a great job now and are well paid. Reason is because, you cannot work till you die. Once you retire from the job or if for any reason the job stops, the income automatically stops also.
Then you start living of your savings if you have any. When you exhaust your savings, the reality will now done on you. It's even  worst  for PEOPLE who live in third world countries where governments do not have welfare facilities for the aged.

What is residual income? Residual income is that income that you continue to earn long after you've stop working. You do not have to work for residual income. It naturally comes to you because of the hard work you've put into a particular activity in the past. This could come in form capital gains, dividends, rents from properties, royalties from intellectual properties etc. This is the only income that can guarantee you financial freedom for the rest of your life and not the pay cheque that you receive at the end of each month.
To leverage the opportunities mentioned above and be able to develop a great residual income, you'll need to come up with tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars. But how many of us can actually afford to come up with this kind of huge capital?

Why should you choose network marketing as an alternative to develop a great residual income?
1. It takes very little money to set up your network marketing business.
2. Unlike most professions, network marketing does not require you to have a basic qualification to join.
3. Unlike most other businesses and professions, the training you'll need to succeed in your business is absolutely free.
4. In other businesses, it will take a long time to break-even and a longer time to start making profit. In network marketing, you can start making profit the same month that you joined depending on your ability to work.
5. Unlike the competitive politics associated with other businesses and professions, network marketing is rather a relationship business. Everybody works for everybody's success because individual success means group success.
6. Even when you die, your income automatically passes to your family thus enabling you to live a legacy behind.
Is network marketing a get-rich-quick scheme? The answer is a capital NO. Does success in network marketing demand hard work? Of course yes. Will I succeed if I put in hard work? Yes indeed. Can it be done part time while I'm still engaged in my normal every day job or business? Yes. How long will it take me to succeed if I put in all it takes? It's usually considered to be a four year success plan although for some, success may come earlier or much later.
Network marketing though, is not for everyone. It is for those who are motivated and hungry for success. Those who are ready to leave their comfort zones and enter into a life of denial for a period of time with the assurance that the little effort they put in every day will one day yield tremendous results.
